About iSebastiani

i Sebastiani brings 16th century Italian Commedia dell'Arte to modern audiences. Commedia dell'Arte is a seminal form of improvisational theatre which became popular across Europe during the late Middle Ages, giving key inspiration to Shakespeare and influencing successive European theatre. Commedia character archetypes are universally recognized to this day, especially the personalities of Pantalone, il Capitano, and Arlecchino (Harlequin).

i Sebastiani was founded in 1990 and performs out of Boston, MA for educational institutions, historical organizations, and the general public. Performance scenarios are recreated from or closely inspired by surviving scripts from the original Commedia time period, especially those of Flaminio Scala. iSebastiani strives to make the audience's experience authentic to the time period, so masks and other props are created for time-period accuracy.

i Sebastiani's wikipedia entry.